Friday, July 22, 2011

Full Speed Adventurers

Framed Print By:

I have so many adventures on my agenda for the rest of the year. I have my sister Jen's wedding in Pennsylvania to attend in August, I wasn't going to attend it because I did not have the funds to pay for airfare , but I was blessed by my sweet, selfless little sister Joycelin who is making it possible for me to fly out for the August wedding. Then I must come back and make arrangements to attend my husbands Army Basic Training Graduation in September . I will drive to his Basic Training location to see his graduation and send him off to his next training location, where he will attend AIT for his MOS 12T , or translation to civilian speak , he will attend school for four months to prepare him for his career as a Technical Engineer for the U.S Army. The military abbreviates everything and I realized I am started to speak in abbreviations..... It is so so sad but convenient. During my darlings time away at school, I will be packing up our home and getting ready to move to whatever state or country the U.S Military sends us to. My darling husband and I will be reunited around the second week of January in the new year. And then shortly after, if it is the Lord's Will we shall embark on another mission....... Parenthood.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

They Let God Choose Well

Picture By: lepetitelefant

Today is my parents 28th wedding anniversary. And their children , one of them being me is so thankful for that long ago day of their union. My Mother was born on an island in the Azores, the Azores are a chain of islands owned by Portugal. Her father was in the service and was stationed there at the time. During my grandparents stay in Portugal they visited a catholic church that ran an orphanage. The orphanage did not take infants but someone had left my Mother on the steps of the church so the nuns had no choice but to keep her . My grandmother during her visit to the church was presented with my Mother and begged to take her. So she did! My Mom slept her first night in a dresser drawer and the rest is pretty much history. She was brought to the US and was raised as an American. Some many miles from my mother my Father lived a simple life. His family had little money and he lived a hard life. They worked the land and drove a horse and buggy to town, the trip sometimes taking a couple days to a week. After my Dad's Father died, my dad tried to join up for the draft to Vietnam. The Lord did not make it possible for him to join due to a medical reason. He then moved to Denver ,CO where he started his own janitorial and landscaping business and met my Mother. My Mom and Dad met in church a few years later, they noticed that they had the exact same Bibles and they started up a relationship. The two married shortly after , have been married for 28 years , raised and home schooled 4 children, and are now enjoying one grandchild. God weaved an amazing path for them, God made it possible for their lives together. What can God do in your life if you just let Him?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Table for One ....... Oh what will I do without you?

                                       Photo: CarlaDyck

I have started officially living as a single person now, and I have a few observations ....... plus I think I was a little spoiled by my husband.

1: The Bed is still not big enough ......... Especially since I insist on sharing it with my gangly legged dog.

2: Mouse Traps after sprung must be emptied, I thought the mouse just dissipated.......Sadly not so.

3: I have to test the Milk for freshness myself .......... I miss seeing my husbands sour milk face.

4: Remington my gangly legged dog now wakes ME up when it is time for him to go outside.

5: The sound of the Xbox fan whirring and explosions are now absent in my home ...... I miss it.

6. Who will change the toilet paper roll? ....... We have reverse roles in this department, I never do!

7. The smell of gun cleaning oil has never been so coveted ........ I Love that smell.

8. My car doesn't clean itself anymore.

9. My husband's laugh will be better than any music I have ever heard when I hear it again.