Friday, April 29, 2011


Photograph by: SpackletheGap

As a child we all enjoy collecting the cotton headed dandelion remnants so that we may whisk away every last seed on the stem with the wave of our arm or a puff of our breath. And like one of those seeds I have landed yet again in another niche where God may use me. And now that I am working in the ER at my local hospital it clearer than ever that so many people are in need of the Lord. I ask those of you who read this blog to please pray for me. Pray that I can spread seeds of God's love to those I encounter at work. Also pray that you can spread seeds of your own throughout your own daily routine.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ferris Wheel Kinda Life

Atmospheric Leap Photo by: Raceytay

In our lives we have so many ups and downs . Just like the ever enchanting Ferris wheel we are sure to find at the state fair. The Ferris wheel as we all know must get close to the ground before it can reach its lookout peak high above the crowd. My life sometimes rotates like that Ferris wheel . I have my lows and times of despair, but those lows always bring me back to the top and closer to God.

How do I ? How will I? GOD WILL!

Photo By Sarahmcmaniman at

The Lord never ceases to take care of His children!! Even when we are scared and unsure of what to do in our circumstances , He still provides!! The above picture reminded me of the truth that the Lord will clutch us in His loving hands  and nothing can sweep us from them. I want to give the Lord all the praise and all the glory today for providing what we needed to pay our taxes off. Our full tax payment is in the mail and I am so thankful. What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pastel Palette

I have survived a week working at Wal- Mart and all the Easter stuff is so pretty and has inspired me to post some pastel prettys that I like.

These Jars are awesome! The light blue ones have a quaint vintage feeling.
Photo By - The Light Fantastic

These pastel heirloom like embellishments remind me of childhood dresses past.
Peppermint Candy Buttons from- Andiespecialtysweets

Vintage Jugs in neat creamy colors always catch my eye.... Add some
flowers and you have an instant art piece.
Vintage Green Mohawk Jug from- RattyandCathy