Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Family Bonding"

My family right now , as I type these very words are traveling cross country from PA to AZ with a few planned stops in between. The planned stops never seem to be the problem it is the unplanned ones that are never welcome and almost always a hassel. The Byerly's started the big trip yesterday. Big trips are a part of life for them. They are always moving and always traveling wherever the construction business takes them, so no big deal right? WRONG! Road trips seem to be a tad more difficult when you are driving your 40 ft. house down the highway. My mother in law jokes about how their life is basically a version of the Robin Williams movie RV. As far as I know they have not encountered racoons in the rv or had any sewage problems and my Father in law better not be hanging from the wipers on the windshield while driving down the road. My Father in law, God bless his soul did not make it out of the departing driveway without the rv generator cutting out, this delayed them before they even started the trip. My family also has some sort of Ohio curse on them, every time they travel through Ohio they breakdown, hence the blowout that occured today and tore through the RV floor. Ohio, what did the Byerly's ever do to you? Please let us know and we will apologize, because the only offense we can think of is that we may have let our dogs out one to many times to fertilize your Ohio soil, and if that is the case we are very very sorry please drop the curse! If you are reading this please please just say a prayer for the Byerly's they need God's hand on them and the RV. I love road trips so to feel at one with my family and their newest venture I think I will watch the movie RV.

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