Thursday, August 29, 2013

Leaving Home To Go Home

The last year has been hectic, hence the no blogging for a long time. We have had a colicky baby, a move, and a deployment, so it has been rocky for us. I will soon be leaving my childhood home to head back to Washington where my husband is stationed. And after nine long months I will be welcoming  him home from the Sandbox. I am so grateful to my family for allowing me to stay with them for  the nine months of deployment. I would have surely been heartbroken and lonely without them. I am sad to leave them behind because they have become a big part of Gage's life, but I am also thrilled to introduce the fun new toddler Gage to his father. I am excited to see how they will grow to love one another and interact with each other. Gage really is a miniature of Bright Eyes, so I do not see how they would not hit it off right away. I have twenty days until I leave home to go home. Today I will wish time to go faster so I can see my husband but I know I will wish I had more time with my family after heading back. So for now I will relish in the moment.

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