Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When you open the door.........

Be extremely careful who you let in. I learned my lesson yesterday regarding this crucial tip. I opened the back door to my parent's house to let my Remydog outside so that he may play with my sister Rose's dog Suzie. Quite absentmindedly I opened the back door to usher Remydog to a land of joyful play with Suzie or aka. ( Hammy the squirrel in dog form). In doing so I accidentally let in my mothers cat Bonnie aka. (Mistress and ruler of the yard, and all animals residing therin). Bonnie as it turns out has some wicked amazing skills in the art of dancing. Once I opened said back door , Bonnie after meeting face to face with Remydog , decided that it would be ideal to Salsa dance on my Remydog's head for at least a good 5 seconds. I , being stunned to silence and apparently stupidity took the matter into my own hands and opened the back door even wider so that one of them could escape the situation. Here was my fatal error, I forgot that Suzie is a devout lover of cats. Suzie will beat other dogs to a bloody pulp if they touch one of her precious felines. Suzie has a love for cats that no other dog has, in fact it is more of a passion. She caught a glimpse of the theatrics and assumed that Remydog was attacking her precious Bonnie Sue. Suzie stormed in , hurricane style whipping around Remydog and Bonnie interrupting their torrid dance. It happened quick but here is how it went:

Me: (Opening the door) Go on out Rem.... Oh AHHHH Remy NOOOOOOO!!! Bonnie It's okay!

Cat: Mreow.....HISS....HISS....HISS...MREOW.....

Remydog: Wine.....Squeal.....Whine

Me: (Stupidly opening door wider) Oh NOOOO! Suzie!!! Stop!


My Sister Rose: (Torn between Running into the kitchen to stop Suzie from killing Remydog or snatching up my baby niece Bethany before the dogs reach the living room to smash her) NO! NO! NO! Suzie!

My Mom: (Whacking Suzie and Remy with a spoon used to stir a macaroni dish for dinner..... macaroni at this point  is flying everywhere!)    

Remy: (Stops tusseling and mentally thinks "Oooooh Macaroni!" and starts eating flying macaroni's)

Cat: (Takes this moment to run for her life..... smacking into moms piano bench and searching out a bed to hide under)

Suzie: (Calm and docile now that her precious feline is free of danger......But covered in macaroni)

Mom, Rose and I: ("Laughing" ........... cleanup begins)

My Dad: (Clutching my baby niece Bethany to his chest and saying" I saved the Baby they were going to trample her!" ) 

This recounts the Macaroni Massacre of 2011 , This is why you must be cautious when you open the door.


Bonnie Sue- Dance Dance Revolution Champ
Suzie- I heart kitty kitties .... Look in my eyes, see that... I really do.
Remydog- He has a few scratches due to the Salsa dance on his nose and forehead.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Handsome Red Head

This is my handsome red haired dog. My husband loves this dog just as much as I do ..... I think. But what we love most about him is his red hair and freckles. My husband secretly hopes that having a red haired dog will thwart the red hair gene in our family, therefore stopping any redheaded children from being born to us. After all you should only have one red head in each household.
By the way ......This is my best side
How bout a profile pic..... Wait my tounge is out!! Oooh Mom!
Oh, who me?

Oh Hi mom ..... Wazz Up

Is this casual enough for ya?

Last one ok..... You promised!

Sugar and Spice and Everything nice in a Mixing Bowl

Over the weekend I did a little long overdue photo shoot involving my niece Bethany and my mom's mixing bowl. The mixing bowl has been part of our family since my parents were married. It was a wedding gift and when it was received both of my parents laughed and figured they would never use a bowl that big. My parents were wrong! The bowl has been used for large batches of cookies , a masa mixing bowl for Tamale prep, and now a photo shoot prop. We meant to get little Bethy into the bowl when she was smaller but we lagged in doing so. I realized my time widow was closing so I squeezed her in and she held on for a whirlwind photo shoot. Our plans are to photograph each grand baby in the bowl .

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Baby Hawk

My niece today is rockin a totally awesome Baby Hawk. I think she got cereal in her hair this morning and grandma wiped it off with a baby wipe therefore styling her baby wisps into a  golden brown Baby Hawk.

Baby Wipe + Baby Head = Baby Mohawk

Oh wait...... hey is that a camera?

Look guys i'm on all fours!!

Oh my Cupie doll!!!

Whirlwind Trip

I just returned from a fast and fun trip to Pennsylvania. I visited to see my sister the former Jennifer Byerly and now Jennifer Byerly Tackeberry get married. It was a hectic , fun, and crazy week leading up to the wedding. Here are a few pictures mixing in a little crazy and a little sweet. Enjoy.

Two beautiful sisters and Bridesmaids
The lovely bride on the day of setup.
My brother and sister make good  french fry models don't ya think?
The bride and her gorgeous maid of honor and stunning bridesmaids.
<3 All these Girls
Me and yes I am hiding in the shade because I don't like pictures!

The Bride and her adorable flowergirl.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I have recently educated myself on Operation Security. I felt that it was important to know what I should and should not post on my blog regarding my husbands military career. OPSEC is known as operation security , Operation Security is not only the soldiers job but the spouses and family members as well. OPSEC is simply being careful not to give away deployment details and military work and such. Those of you who are civilian blogger's already use PERSEC and that is know as guarding your personal information from people lurking on the Internet. The whole point to this post is we never know who is reading our comments on facebook, or our blog posts or even listening in on our conversation at the grocery store. You can read more about OPSEC and PERSEC if you click the OPSEC button on my sidebar.

Some military wives go as far as not giving out their names, spouses names, children's names and such so that they cannot be identified easily. I will be nicknaming my husband for his security and would please ask that no one use his name in any of the blog comments. He will be nicknamed "Bright Eyes" why "Bright Eyes" you ask? If you have ever seen Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes then you would know that he has the most amazing blue eyes in the movie and one of the Apes calls him "Bright Eyes". And if you know my husband you would know that his eyes are ethereally blue, hence "Bright Eyes". I will still be "Laura" and my dog will still be "Remy Dog" and when we have children they will get nicknames of some sort. Some of you may think I am a bit paranoid but understand that this is necessary for my husbands, and many other soldier's safety.

Retro Refurbishing

My mother had an old 60's vintage Petersen Metal High Chair in her attic. We recently drug it out because my niece is now in need of a high chair. It was not in the greatest condition . The high chair had been attacked by mice. The 60's yellow , green, and orange flower power vinyl on the cushions was chewed up and so was the plastic feeding tray. So we refurbished it and it only cost us $10.00 and a little bit of time. I still wanted it to have a vintage feel so I went with an Owl fabric that had some retro colors in it. Plus it can be used for a boy baby or a girl. My Brother mike was able to make a tray out of wood and paint it white, then he secured a place mat on top so that we can wipe off the tray easily.

The owl fabric I picked out.... I LOVE BIRDS!

TADA!! Cushions done with the help of my Dad and a staple gun!
We also covered them in clear vinyl to protect from food spillage.

Debut of the new wood tray, my brother Mike took the fittings off of the
old tray and affixed them to the new wooden one...Thanks Mike!

Baby Bethy trying out the new seating arrangements.

MMMMMM....Abuela is shoving Apple Bannana Oatmeal into me!

Monday, August 1, 2011

The ABC'S of Me

Print By:

I decided to post the ABC's of questions since I didn't want to clear my mind and think of anything else to post.

A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: 75 I usually don’t use it though, Unless my Remy dog looks longingly at it, begging for the coolness.
B- My BEDROOM theme is: Small very small. Being that I live in an RV right now. But my favorite art is in the bedroom. My gorgeous sister Rose drew two pictures for me that are worthy of every future house I move into. One of a Sparrow ,because I adore sparrows, and one of a full, fresh red rose.

C- The CAR in the driveway is: I don’t have a driveway I have a dirtway. And in that dirtway is a Suzuki Sidekick Sport 4X4. My husband hates this car because he feels it lacks sufficient horse power but it is our only car. And I am proud to say I purchased it with my own money and the last and final payment was paid as a wedding present by my parents. Thank you Mom and Dad!

D- My DESK looks: Clean, there is nothing on it because I am currently in the process of packing for a big move at the beginning of the new year.

E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: 05:00 Because I get up do P90X and then run with my Remy Dog. Plus one time I tried to sleep in and my Remy Dog decided to start digging at my stomach until I woke up.

F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: My armpits! Doesn’t everyone start there first?

G- My GARAGE is filled with: Nothing I don’t have one. Not having one is sad come winter time when you can’t get into your car because the doors are frozen shut, so you climb in through the rear door over Remy Dogs giant food bag and the back seat, and pray you don’t break a frozen finger off while doing so……True Story.

H- My HOUSE is: An RV , and no my life is not like the movie RV. That is my mother in laws life. Truly I feel that the movie RV was stolen from her diary.

I- If you peeked INSIDE my bedroom you'd see: A lot of pillows. Pillows to hug in place of my darling who is in basic training. And two of Remy dog’s teddy bears.

J- My favorite JUICE is: Sugar free White Grape Juice Peach. My mother bought some for my niece and I tried some and It is quite scrumdiddlyuptious….. I just had to figure out how to get scrumdiddlyuptious in this post!

K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: It is never dirty. Because ever since my love left….I DON’T USE IT!!

L- The LAST person who visited my home was: My dad he was helping me get rid of some stuff that I would not need after the big move.

M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: An I pod Nano 4th Generation that I bought off of Ebay. It came in awesome condition and I got an awesome deal on it.

N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm: Crazy because Remy dog keeps chasing their cattle. And I keep screaming REEEEMMMMMY,REEEEMMMMMY, COOOOOMMMMMEEEE.

O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see: A jug of water, a half eaten chocolate bunny that my husband left in there, and a bottle of mustard. Like I said I don’t use my kitchen.

P- My last house PARTY was: I have never had a house Party.

Unless you count Remy dog and I throwing it down Wii style Boxing to get some more exercise.

Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: Go to my moms house! Hey I do pay them grocery money weekly just while my love is gone of course.

R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: My bedroom , Here is where I snuggle with my darling husband and my Remy dog.

S- The SHAMPOO brand I use: Wild Harvest Hair FX Silk Serum Shampoo and Conditioner.

T- My largest TELEVISION is: My husband’s, and it is not even being used now that he is gone.

U- UNDER my bed you will find: Nothing my husband’s clothes used to be stored under that RV compartment but now they are all packed up.

V- The last time I VACUUMED was: A week or so ago and it was my Remy dog. I furminated him “brushed him” and then sucked the fur off of Remy dog.  

W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: Trees, and cattle and chasing those cattle is my Remy Dog.

X- I wish I had X-TRA: Time , I would give anything for one more minute, hour, day, or week with my husband.

Y- My YARD is: One acre of mostly dirt but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: I have a hard time sleeping without my sweetheart. So usually whenever my mind shuts down. Around midnight.