Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Still Here!!

I apologize for not posting in such a long time ....... I know I missed posting for Christmas and New Years and my two Year Anniversary ,but things have been so busy. Jeff and I find ourselves in Arizona now and he is currently working for an electric company as an apprentice. But Jeff still has the desire to work in law enforcement or a military environment . So we will be speaking with an army recruiter this weekend to see if that is something we are interested in doing . Of course we have many reasons for considering the military, and a major one is that we enjoy time spent with military couples and we strongly feel that the Lord can use us in such a position. Many have tried to discourage us by reminding us of that great fear "deployment". I choose not to dwell on that fear. I am not naive I know that my husband could very well be sent somewhere dangerous, but I believe that the Lord will continue to dwell in both of our lives and give us both strength for that journey as well. I would love some input from those of you who love Jeff and I , and would greatly appreciate prayers for guidance as to what we should do.


  1. I love you Laura, and I am praying that you and Jeff are led on the path that God wants you to walk on... If Jeff is supposed to be in the Military God will open those doors for him! If not, then He will provide you both in another way. I love you both!

  2. Thanks Becca ..... I know that what yo usay is true. We have been praying about it alot and will probably be seeing a recruiter this weekend.
