Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Long Time No Post

                                                                    My two loves
I admit it has been a while, a long while. I have not posted since the birth of my son. My son, that is where I will start. Gage Westley Byerly was born at 15:00 on June 13th and he is absolutely everything I expected and much more.  Really he is quite the handful, Gage has had a touch of colic and has been a very demanding baby for the last couple months. Gage now giggles and squeals and smiles at his parents or his puppy Remington and is starting to acclimate to his new world. Having Gage has been a joy as well as a trial to us as a family, we have laughed over his developments and personality and at times we have cried and become upset over the stress of an almost constant unhappy and inconsolable baby. Bright Eyes and I have grown apart due to the stress and I am not proud of it. However I am happy to say that as of last week Gage has been coping with the world so much better and we have slowly been mending our relationship and nourishing it back to health. We are so excited and looking forward to each passing month and the opportunity to see Gage grow and to develop our family. Plus I am finally able to say that I am happy to be a mom, because sadly in the first few months I was not happy at all. So there it is, an honest post about why I haven't posted in a while.