Wood Block Painting by: bubblewrappd@Etsy.com |
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thess 5:18
Today alot of people will fall out of the everyday slump of forgetting to be thankful for all the Lord has given us. But after this day will they still continue to look at the gifts that we are given daily. I have to admit I am guilty of not always being grateful, and in fact being pretty selfish. I don't think people in our country , me included realized how blessed we are on a day to day basis. So yes, be thankful today, but after today try to fulfill God's will and give thanks in EVERY thing. Today my greatest thanks is that I am able to be with my husband for Thanksgiving. I miss my family , I of course miss the food, who doesn't miss the food! But being here with my husband eases that , and makes me thankful to have that kind of love.