Saturday, September 24, 2011

Q. and A. About Us

Photograph by: Littlebrownpen

I am filling out a quick questionnaire about Bright Eyes and me. Most of you know these things but I thought it might be fun to answer a few so I could remember, or reminisce shall I say.

1: When and how did you meet?

Bright Eyes and I met on E-Harmony the Internet dating site. I had been on there for about 5   months and he had just started his 1st months subscription. I had deemed the 5th month my last and decided that I was done with it. But then along came Bright Eyes (For a week I actually thought he was a paid dude who was trying to get me to stay on E-Harmony).... Yup that's how perfect he is.

2: How long have you been together?

We started our friendship in May of 2008 and we were married 8 months later on January 3rd 2008. It was a bit if a quick romance , but when God is telling you it is right, then don't question it! So we have been together for a little over three years now.

3: Did you kiss on your first date?

No! In fact Bright Eyes was not even interested in holding my hand until we were engaged. The first time we kissed was at the altar. No pressure right?

4: What attracted you to your spouse?

He is honest, he is not afraid to be himself, he loves the Lord with all of his heart, he is truly a selfless person, and he is an amazingly fun person to spend time with. Physically I like his arms, he also has a great behind, but lastly he has the clearest light blue eyes that could stop your heart mid beat. Actually the list is longer but I don't have that much time.

5: What is the sweetest thing your spouse has ever done for you?

That one is a tough one, especially when he is always so sweet. I must say that his sweetness is a daily thing. He has never once given up on trying to support his family, he takes it upon himself daily to make sure that I am happy regardless of his own feeling or wants. That love is something that is too sweet for words. But a specific moment would probably be the time he tried to make me dinner. It was spaghetti. And most of you know that Bright Eyes does not cook unless it can be nuked for a few minutes, so this was a big deal. I was tired from work and he did his best, that was really truly sweet.

6: Where is the farthest from home that you and your spouse have been?

Honestly I don't know where home is. We started out in Arizona and traveled through so many states since then that I lost count of them. We have been everywhere! I pretty much say our theme song is  "I've Been Everywhere" a classic by Johnny Cash. And I suppose the Army will add to our list of places we have been.

7: What is the last thing your spouse bought you?

Funny thing is that I don't let him buy things for me. I prefer to save money than to spend it. But I would say recently we bought a roundtrip train ticket to go see him during his Army AIT Thanksgiving break. And that ticket is worth gold to me because I miss him so much.

8: What is one of your favorite memories with your spouse? (I will give you a few actually)

1st memory: We went toad hunting two nights after we met each other right then we knew we were a perfect fit.

2nd memory: My husband (then fiance) graduated the US Border Patrol Academy in 2008, I am still proud of that.

3rd memory: We were married on January 3rd 2008, and I had my very first kiss.

4th memory: We lived for the Lord, we loved, and we worked hard our first year of marriage.

5th memory: We both wound up jobless on the same exact day. So Bright Eyes took me in his arms and said "God will take care of us", and I believed him, and we trusted God together.

6th memory: Bright Eyes and I realized our desire to witness to US Military Service Members, and shortly after he joined the United States Army.

7th memory: Bright Eyes graduated Army Basic Training in September of 2011. I have never been prouder of him. My heart changed forever, my respect for him will never dim.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Phasing into the Military Life

Photograph By: TheGinghamOwl

Here are some things that I noticed are already becoming a part of our life, now that my husband has joined the military. And also some things I can totally see happening in the future. So you know you are a military family or your husband is a soldier if:

1: All your possessions are military issue
2: Your Kids pull fireguard
3: Your son fails the third grade, but tells everyone he was a "phase three recycle".
4: When your kids are too noisy, you yell "at ease!"
5: You keep a box of MREs at home and in the trunk of your car in case of emergencies.
6: Your husband convinces you that all ten of your guns are necessary for home protection.... or 20
7: No one understands the stories you tell because of all the acronyms.
8: You haven't  unpacked the good china for twenty years.
9: Your husband feels compelled to get a haircut every three days.
10:Your first impressions of civilians are that they all need haircuts.
11:All of your husbands underwear is colored OD Green, Brown, or White.(Sadly Yes)
12:Civilians exercise and you conduct PT.
13:Your kids categorize other kids as either military brats or civilian slugs. (Oh dear!)
14:Your kids call their mother "Household 6." ..... (I am hoping this is daddy's position no matter   
where he is)
15:Your kids salute their grandparents.(Not such a bad Idea)
16:If your kids can recite their General Orders.
17:If your kids know how to build a fighting position in the sandbox.
18:If you tell your kids, Drop and give me 20 when they act up.(Jeff plans on this)
19:You show your ID card when entering WALMART.
20:You hold open ranks inspection on your kids before church.
21:Your husband introduces his best friend to you and then suddenly realizes that he has no idea  
 what his friends first name is. (This is so true so very very true)
22:Your husband can’t set up your TV remote, but know how to break down and reassemble your weapon in the dark.
23:You always have a camelback with you at all times.
24:When in civilian clothes and wearing a baseball cap, if your husband takes his hat off outdoors for any reason, he has this sinking feeling someone's going to yell at him to "give me 50."
25:When handing out Christmas presents, you start out with, "Attention to orders!"

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The End and The Beginning

Just yesterday I arrived back home from my husband's Army Basic Training Graduation. I enjoyed every moment of Family Day and the Graduation Ceremonies. The events awarded me with two days to spend with my husband. Bright Eyes looked so happy to be finished with his training. I am proud to see him accomplish something that he worked so hard for. Bright Eyes also looked amazing as well, let's just say the army did his body some good..... some very good. I honestly have never seen my husband in that kind of shape before. I have seen him skinny, too skinny and I have seen him with a bit more around the hips and thighs than he would like, but this was mostly solid and kinda strange, but a good strange. He did seem a bit guarded at times ,but I prepared myself for that. After 9 weeks of precise training and following orders you not exactly " At Ease" right away. I can assure you however that he is still my Bright Eyes, he may have added a few new characteristics during the last 9 weeks, but overall he is still underneath. We are excited for the next leg of the journey. AIT (Advanced Individualized Training) will start on Tuesday and will last about 16 weeks. He will learn the necessary skills for his MOS (Military Occupation Specialty). Bright Eyes' MOS is 12T Technical Engineer. He will be training to work with the Army Corp of Engineers. He was told that he we should get orders for his first station in about 6 weeks . So in 6 weeks we should know where our first duty station will be. We both thank everyone for their prayers during Basic Training and for continued prayers during AIT.

PS. Forgive me for all of the army abbreviations, but I realized the military world talks in abbreviations, and acronyms and it's just easier for me to do so as well. If I forget to explain one please leave me a comment.

Jeff goofing around during serious picture taking time.
Jeff in his ACU'S (Army Combat Uniform)

Jeff and I after his Graduation Ceremony

Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Plus One Can Equal Three..... Sooner or Later

Print By: Happydeliveries

So let's be clear here, I am NOT announcing a new Byerly baby just yet. I am just expressing what Bright Eyes and I wish to bring to you in the New Year. The adorable husband and I have been discussing expanding our family for quite some time now, in fact for about a year. We had plans last year in April to start on our little addition but due to a major job loss we were unable to. Last year we were both crushed, all we wanted in the world was to have a token of our love to share with our family, but the timing was not right. With Bright Eyes in the military and attending so many months of training , and possibilities of deployments it seems as if the right time will never present itself. So we have decided to allow God the right time. I am asking for your prayers, I covet them actually, I ask that you pray for God's blessing on our endeavors to start a new life, a new little Byerly very soon. I am sure you know that we will be apart for the next four months and I am aware that  this will make this process difficult, but if God wants it to happen it will. I Love You all and thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where is your Faith?

Photo by: Autumnraincreations
There is always a Rainbow hidden in God's plan.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. ( 1 Corinthians 10:13) 

It is hard to believe that 10 years ago our busy world was stopped in it's tracks by an attack on our country. We cannot know the number of lives that were changed forever because of that day on September 11th 2001. The Lord is the only one who knew the outcome of that day, the families that would lose loved ones, and the path that it has and will take us on. Since my husband joined the US Army I have been asked a very common question many times "What if your husband is killed during deployment?". My answer to that question is this , "What if your husband is killed at work or coming home from work tomorrow?". "What if it was God's plan for your husband to die this week?". Would you have faith that His plan is what is right for you? Would you be able to let go of the person you loved the most because you know it is part of God's plan and it will further His kingdom in some way? Would you be able to use your trial as a witness to those around you? The Bible says in (1 Corinthians 10:13) that we will not be tempted above what we can handle. The Lord will not test our faith further than what He knows we can overcome. Many have been able to overcome 9/11 and many have not . My question to you my loved one is this: Where is your Faith? Are you ready to trust the Lord's plan through the most heartbreaking trials in life?